Solinnen / Highlighted Article  / PEF/OEF – The European Commission gives voice to all economic actors about the application of PEF in its environmental policy!
PEF questionnaire is available

PEF/OEF – The European Commission gives voice to all economic actors about the application of PEF in its environmental policy!

You have until December 18, 2018 to give your view on the most effective system of policies, regulations and tools for your company and your sector.

PEF, Product Environmental Footprint, is still a strange and unknown term for most economic actors.  For others, it is still unclear how to grasp the outcomes of the enormous amount of work done during the pilot phase by 27 pilot sectors over the last 5 years.

If the pilot phase has almost exhausted the expert technical teams (LCA, toxicologists, marketing, etc.) it is because it has extracted the essential substance and very best from each expertise: a solid and relevant methodology. The transition phase will only last two years, and it is time to discuss PEF in a more “business” and “political” way!

The European Commission has great ambition for PEF and has proposed a large range of potential applications of PEF in its policies, tools, mechanisms, control systems… making the life cycle assessment method one of the backbones of its environmental policy.

Thus, the European Commission has prepared specific questionnaires for each type of actor: business and sectoral/business organisations, NGOs, administrations and international organisations, investors and financial institutions.

The link to the PEF questionnaires is:


For the more “PEF”-advanced actors, Solinnen will share on Dec 11, 2018 its view and analysis of these PEF questionnaires and the economic stakes and implications of certain proposals in this questionnaire. Participation in this event is by invitation.

For those less aware of the PEF methodology, Solinnen offers a large range of services, relying on its LCA expertise as well as its experience gained during the PEF pilot phase.

For more information, please contact us !

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